Ralph, Albert & Sydney
Christmas 2004 

“ Though the years have flown though the years have gone…..” 

I was lucky to have a few words with Ralph after his monumental Royal Festival Hall concert. He was very keen to share this with all his friends who visit the Ralph, Albert and Sydney website. 
Mike Cohen

That must have been quite a night for you Ralph. How did you feel as you came off stage?
“I spotted you in the audience at RFH! It must have been your huge grin! In fact my abiding memory is seeing so many grinning faces when the lights went on to the audience. It was a very happy occasion and one I will never forget.” 

How did you unwind after the show? 
“The evening ended at my house with most of the band and Cara too playing until 6.15 am. I kid you not.” 

And what about the birthday itself?
“My birthday was one of the best ever with all my grandchildren present. We played Kenny the Kangaroo and musical bumps and ate cakes. I went for a curry in the evening with most of my kids, had a couple of large pints of my favourite Young’s bitter and some wine afterwards and turned in about 2am on the 4th.”

So what next Ralph? At the end of the Royal Festival Hall concert you mentioned that this was the start of something.
“I am ready for the next part of the journey and feel as if I needed to close something in order to begin again. This feeling is more adequately explained by one of the unpublished writings in the new lyrics book. The work is called Haiku and has given us one of the themes for the laying up of the writing.  I have some exciting projects lined up and I am looking forward to the future.
In train at the moment are
1 the words and music CD
2 Some new songs (Around the Wild Cape Horn is nearly finished but needs some re-writing of a couple of lines)
3 The Box set is progressing well
4 The tapes from RFH are ready to be mixed
5 The DVD is soon to be edited and the music added (probably next Xmas)
6 The lyric book is well under way and looking good
7 The paperback of Angel Laughter is nearly ready
8 I am going to buy a new bicycle.”

That is quite a list-go easy on the hills though! It has been a great year not only for you Ralph but for all of us who have been on the journey with you. Do you have a message for your friends who visit the Ralph, Albert & Sydney site?
To close I must say how overwhelmed I have been with all the good will messages cards e mails letters flowers memorabilia and the album of songs which I have not yet fully listened to. Well done to all contributors. It has all been a very humbling experience.  I am very moved by all the work you talented performers have put in and immensely grateful for all the kind comments and affection.  Last gig of the year sees me guesting at the London Palladium with my friends Steeleye Span on Ukulele!!!! What a year!!

All the best to you and yours and have a happy holiday time, Xmas and a great new year.”

The Ralph Albert and Sydney website wish you and all your family a restful and Happy Christmas. We look forward to seeing you out there in 2005 for another great year. Keep on trucking man!